Earth Terminal-Screw Clamp | Fuse Terminal-Screw Clamp | Feed Through Terminal - Screw Clamp | Multi-Level Terminal - Screw Clamp | Micro Terminal - Screw Clamp | Fuse Terminal - Spring Clamp | Micro Terminal - Spring Clamp | Multi-Level Terminal - Spring Clamp | Component Housing - Spring Clamp | Feed Through Terminal - Spring Clamp | End Plates | Relay Modules | Relay Terminal Units
elmex Multi Level Terminals are the perfect solution where space is a constraint and high density wiring is needed. The compact design of these Terminals with 6 mm thickness allows double wiring density and reducing the total number of terminal blocks to half. KUDD4 terminal is specially recommended as its upper level is offset laterally by half of the terminal block pitch. This offers better accessibility to the lower connection screws and better visibility of the lower marking labels. KU2D4 terminal blocks with internally shorted versions are suitable for one input and three outputs. elmex three level terminal blocks can be used for high-density wiring and for wiring special equipments such as proximity sensors. DUSD4 has a special link attached to the middle and lower level to facilitate the interconnection between adjacent terminal blocks, DU3D4 and DUSD4. The negative and positive circuits can be easily bridged together and then connected to a power source with DU3D4 terminal.
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